⭐️ Important Notice ⭐️
Please be aware that if you request a change to your photo, our designers will need to start the design process from scratch. As a result, there will be an additional fee of $10. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
⭐️ Guide to Taking Great Photos ⭐️
To ensure the best quality product, we kindly ask pet owners to follow these guidelines when taking photos of their pets.
If you’re unsure about which photo to use, feel free to upload several, and we’ll select the best one for you.
For pet portraits, we focus on the pet's face, which will be integrated into the costume design. Therefore, it’s essential to provide high-quality photos to ensure the best results.
Tips for Taking Photos for Pet Portraits
Eye Level: Take the photo at the same eye level as your pet.
Close-Up: Focus on the pet’s face rather than the entire body, making sure the ears are fully visible.
Natural Light: Ideally, take the photo in natural light without any shadows.
Ideal Photos for Best Results
Sharp Photos: Clear, focused photos taken with a smartphone or digital camera.
High Resolution: High-resolution photos with a large file size.
Full Face: Photos where the entire face is clearly visible and not cut off.
Photos That Are Difficult to Work With
Out of Focus: Blurry or out-of-focus photos.
App Filters: Photos taken with apps that apply filters.
By following these guidelines, you can help us create the most beautiful and accurate portrait of your pet. Thank you for your cooperation!